目前分類:The Working Diary of Museum 2012 (30)

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I am very glad that I can start to plan my new career.
I must forget everthing what made me unhappy and remember every lessen what I learned.
Here happened a lot of complicated matters during this month, even the most awful ...

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April was gone, I smiled for the resigning day is nearer.
I found Mr. Chen is a talktive guy, so I hope to see him again on next Monday.
All I learned in here is I don't like the official!!!

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科長 announced that our museum would keep opening on Thursdays for firework since May.
The expenditures of museum is much more than incomes of ticketing, here came some complaints from our holy county government.

Don't be silly!


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I felt Miss Hsu was politer to me than before, when she asked me to introduce the exhibition instead of sick volunteer.
People indeed need to express one's  discontented sometimes, or the others will take everything you should help for granted.
I don't care what feeling Miss Hsu feel, even whether she could talk to each other about me or not, I don't care at all! 


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舉手頭足 誰的一個眼神與表情


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明天 明天 明天 為什麼我感到這麼了無生趣
我想要的人生 不只是剪票而已


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I met my professor 錦忠 on Foolish Day!!!
It was actually! It was not kidding~!!
全國教授協會 visited our museum in the afternoon, I met 錦忠 when I checked everyone's ticket.

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Boring!.... was my only feeling today.
My grandaunt asked me to buy 脂片龜 this morning, which is really successful product.
And I bought a postcard also, writing for 石岡阿惠.

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What a simple day.
麗琴姊 took a leave today, I heard of Kuo talking about the meeting during the noon.
Kuo said something about the meeting, but I didn't remember at all.


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We got a lot of postcards' income, which meaned we had a busssssy day.
Out of the blue~!
Many of visitors gathered in the afternoon, and most of them are 生命線志工團.


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大概是繼228連假之後最龐大的人潮吧! (捶背


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I usually felt I was an idiot everyday,until I really become an idiot in the end.  
Bule, depression, upset,  melancholy......
YO told me that I couldn't stop reading and thinking, so that I will stop making progress, but I found out the more I thought, and the more melancholy I felt. 


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I have worked here for more one month.
I guess I began to be tied of my working place....


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Feb 29 is a special day for once for years, and I also have different feeling.

I was disappointed that I respected someone, who didn't esteem my major at all.
Actually I don't realize what history major shall know in your heart, as you don't realize what history major really learn. 


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Rainy Day

「....她實在不明白,反正這些日子過得糊裏糊塗的,難得記,難得想,算起來長—長得無窮無盡,天天這樣,日日這樣,好像一世也過不完似的,可是仔細想去,空的,白的,甚麼東西都沒有。」 ~白先勇,〈黑虹〉,1961年。

My feeling ran particularly deeply as I read this paragraph.


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2/25(Sat.) A Cloudy Day

Spring 姊 took our new colleague- LU,Yi-Fang.
YO was really very "social", he shook new colleague's hands right away!? 


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Alex was back.

I started to read 《寂寞的十七歲》its author is 白先勇.
白先勇 is a very famous writer in Chinese literature world, whose works are translated for many languages.

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科長 told R and me she will examine our guiding situation on this Saturday.
Just a little test! I didn't take it very seriouly, but R did.


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