
明天 明天 明天 為什麼我感到這麼了無生趣
我想要的人生 不只是剪票而已

我當然比非洲小孩幸福啊 可是這麼幸福的我
一想到彷彿永無止盡的明天 還是會想要掉眼淚

同時趕三、四份報告的時候 辦活動寫企劃書提案的時候
然後終於是我要畢業所以我如此感傷的六月 甚至是待業時期的誠惶誠恐

也許 也許 也許



After April, so far so bad.
I can't explain it actually, there are too many, too many problems in my deeply mind accordingly.
As long as I think a day begins to begin after wasting 8 hours in living museum, all I could feel is depressive and upset.
The begining of a day has been almost 7 o'clock at night already, I can't enjoy the sunshine under the air of freedom.

I will be much better and happier... if I have my eye on the future.
Because the moment of NOW mades me unhappy everyday....
I can't find the meaning of my workday.
Waste my young life, waste my young days, and waste my young mind!!
I want to cry and cry out again, again, again..............

Passion! Passion! Passion! Passion! Passion! 
I am eager to look for my lost passion now.
Where is my passion???
I must be sick, I was very sick of getting along with people in living museum.....

I lost my faith, too.
I don't know the faith now.
There will be my faith there one day.
Keep in faith!With you, with me, and with everybody. 




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